Library of Leng
by West Wynd
- 01. Robotronic Ninjitsu 1:46
- 02. Tetrahydrocannabinol 2:08
- 03. The Cliffs of Insanity 1:32
- 04. I Spit Voodoo 2:22
- 05. Synthetic Fairy Dust 1:35
- 06. 8-bit Melody 0:46
- 07. Rochester 0:37
- 08. fascinating metroid bloops 7:40
- 09. Groove # 2 in D Major 1:03
- 10. navratan kurma 2:03
- 11. tea house 2:12
- 12. noodles & jam 2:27
- 13. tragic sadness 2:24
- 14. party mode! 2:44
- 15. carnival carousel 1:43
- 16. biker bar 1:51
- 17. in texas 1:45
- 18. I Have A Rat 2:29
- 19. coachable offense 1:05
- 20. alien 1:28
- 21. those damn fairies got into the goofer dust again 0:17
- 22. tiptoeing dragons 0:37
- 23. on wings of the night 1:41
- 24. Bottomless Pit 3:00
- 25. little playground 1:06
- 26. the last dying cowboy 1:58
- 27. BLUMPKIN 2:52
- 28. spectral spurs 2:36
- 29. Gangsta Day Care 0:50
- 30. reyarps'droleht 0:56
- 31. part17 4:14
- 32. Devolution Remix 0:49
- 33. Simple Driving Song 1:36
- 34. Showdown in the Carverns of Lament 5:19
All my old stuff.