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Pronounce the Crown


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“Pronounce the Crown” rerecorded and remixed for July’s 30 Day Songs challenge (; original demo recorded in October 2018 for xChange 2k18.

“Pronounce the Crown” is also being submitted to July’s REM Challenge (via RPM Challenge).

“Pronounce the Crown” written by W. Ng. My attempt at creating a 3-minute punk song in the vein of the Manics (trying to sing like JDB).

“Pronounce the Crown” is abandoned as of 7/12/2023 because of unforeseen circumstances in my life, so it’s released as is.

Anton Samford's avatar
Anton Samford said

I'm not familiar with the Manics, but, this jams, nice job Wilsun!

Letter Seventeen's avatar
Letter Seventeen said

Oh man. I love this voice out of you. MORE OF THIS!!!!!

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