World War Nine's listening history

Al's left hand's avatar
This song is about George Washington, and how politicians in the *cough* future world this album inhabits *cough* could perhaps use a bit of his character.
Al's left hand's avatar
Inspired by the David Brooks book "Bobos in Paradise" and an article I read on the so-called "Prosperity Gospel", which is one of the weirder religious movements I've heard of.
Al's left hand's avatar
There's no way I'm actually going to finish RPM 2013 in February (my weekends are booked solid and I don't feel like rushing) but I'm still going to do this album... and probably finish in late March or something. This is a rough mix of 99 Bottles.
Al's left hand's avatar
This is the cautionary tale of a guy that becomes addicted to coffee to fit in with his friends, investigates harder drugs, and decides to give himself low-level lead poisoning and toxoplasmosis.
Al's left hand's avatar
Write-in contest for the second-to-last line of this song. I've gone through about 20 different ones, all terrible.
Al's left hand's avatar
This needs a better arrangement, but it's central to the album's themes and images.
Al's left hand's avatar
This needs some rearrangement... yeah... even so, don't ask me about the future, there is no future.
Al's left hand's avatar
Embarrassingly I assigned the wrong channel while recording drums and lost some stuff. Should be more low-end drums. Oh, well. Such is life in February.
Al's left hand's avatar
I'm too dumb to think about this anyway...
Al's left hand's avatar
Dedicated to everyone that's written a lazy article or book about the characteristics of my generation. Lift up one finger, let's have another go-around.