yahondu's listening history
decided to do a minimalistic chord progression of the Choro de Berimbau tune.
The berimbau is a brazilian percussion/string instrument that is the foundation for this tune.
Thanks to Dana (Alontoner) who added the sweet backup vocals to make this a much better piece.
And thanks also to K. Scot Sparks (Alonetoner…
decided to do a minimalistic chord progression of the Choro de Berimbau tune.
this was an attempt at making a tune where the vocal melody was nonredundant with the chords (or never found in any of the notes of any of the chords).
Almost succeeded - but it was fun trying.
Late night, last piece from a Himitsu session. Very laid back. All electronic. Recorded on minidisc and rescued later from a random hard drive.
Wisians are those strange foreign people with odd customs, and funny hats. They love to party. Have you seen one recently?
Cthulahoop recording commenced after a peculiarly strong dream. Uses samples of a friend's digerido run through an analog filter. Definitely dream state.
At the beginning of a Himitsu jam session we had an impromptu trio of guitar, theremin, and electronic drums doing a snippet of this classic theme.
decided to do a minimalistic chord progression of the Choro de Berimbau tune.