yyz123's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
More ambient experimentation with my fretless guitar and Roland GR20. This time I used some sounds from the magnetic pickups as well as the midi pickup. Kind of a cheesy synth patch I know, but it was working for me!
IronAngel's avatar
Another quick one take rough track for the B movie biker sound track for a film that doesn't exist! Shimmering in the heat coming up off the asphalt like a mirage in the desert, the roadhouse waits with a couple of cool beers and some folks…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
This originated as a poem sent to me by Rose Kampton, morning the loss of her father. I turned it into a prayer and put music to it. Then when Brook drowned it became something altogether else. (c) 1990 Royal T Muaic
IronAngel's avatar
another rough as snot scratch track so I don't loose the (probably bad) idea! Where in the heck are all these hot rod/biker B movie tracks suddenly channeling in from?!?!
IronAngel's avatar
Just a quick scratch track I banged out to test some new settings and cable layouts... got some hum to get rid of still. Yeah yeah, lame keyboard drums, spotty timing and a few flubs... but hey, if you like, grab it and solo over it or what have…
IronAngel's avatar
Another quick one take rough track for the B movie biker sound track for a film that doesn't exist! Shimmering in the heat coming up off the asphalt like a mirage in the desert, the roadhouse waits with a couple of cool beers and some folks…
kirklynch's avatar
More ambient experimentation with my fretless guitar and Roland GR20. This time I used some sounds from the magnetic pickups as well as the midi pickup. Kind of a cheesy synth patch I know, but it was working for me!
yyz123's avatar
this piece is a jam with a little bit of a mix and little edit.
yyz123's avatar
this is another jam with a mix
yyz123's avatar
yes another jam with a mix and edit