Jason Earls's listening history

seanoh's avatar
Just messing around in A
Jason Earls's avatar
It's just the intro to "Dreaming" with me adding some extra stuff. Lately I've been reading "As Above, So Below - The Unauthorized Yngwie Biography." It's extremely interesting although it has lowered my opinion of Yngwie as a person quite a bit…
Jason Earls's avatar
In an online course on Einstein's miracle year of 1905 we had to do a creative project and I was going to submit this but never did. Hope you think it's funny.
Jason Earls's avatar
Another exercise. We had to do something with the G Major scale which is why you hear me play it at the beginning.
Jason Earls's avatar
Hadn't played guitar in a while, started recording and this stuff came out.
Jason Earls's avatar
I wanted to record something funky. I hope you like it.
Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
Jason Earls's avatar
I wrote a novella called "Zombies of the Red Descent" and this is the theme music.
Jason Earls's avatar
just a recording done with my new 7-string guitar, it's working good so far...
seanoh's avatar
Just messing around in A