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Song For My Brother

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The odd chord I use is a D diminished 7th.

G-no's avatar
G-no said

I miss you brother

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Touching song...beautifully done. Thank you for listening to my songs.

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

That sure is a purty song! Love the diminished 7th. You sure can pick a guitar -- Rock on!

02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Remake-just two guitars and higher level on the vocal.

Guest said

Lovely guitar playing, if I may say it's just a little too loud as it overpowers the song and it's such a good song deserving to be heard.

Guest said

John your music has always been good, like this I am listening too very much, but i

Guest said


Guest said

Such a lovely song and very well played.

G-no's avatar
G-no said

superb guitar work as usual. the lyrics were hard to hear but i caught the sentiment ,the reflection and the memories of your brother. The song was short , a mixture of beauty with a sad undertone my memories of my brother aren't quite the same, we weren't close . he was older like yours but didn't treat me like a little brother. we were 4 years apart and didn't treat me very well but it is what it is .

Guest said

Very impressive guitar work,unfortunately the tiny speakers I am listening to this on are throttling the vocal so I will have another listen later.Top marks for the guit alone tho' CJ

Guest said

What wonderful playing - very emotional piece.

Guest said

Lovely, John. Fav'ed

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Lots of emotion in here John. I can hear it loud and clear. An absolutely stunning song with message and technique.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

