Peter Thörn's listening history
A mashup with
Roger Sundström Guitar, Soundscaping
Bruce Hamilton (rumfuz)
Paul Muller (IF 3-2-12)
Richard Sanderson (Wren)
Steve Moshier (Trash Can Holiday)
Paulo Chagos (Capricho)
Benjamin Smith (Ben.improv.Feb.27.2012)
for ImprovFriday 2012-03-03
A mashup with
Roger Sundström Bouzouki, Soundscpaing
Joel Sutton (Lost Love)
Kavin Allenson (Alnilam)
Paul H. Muller (Quiet Evening)
Benjamin Smith (Ben.improv.Feb.16.2012)
Diego Monroy (Piano Improvisation)
for ImprovFriday 2012-02-18
Reg has met a new girl she’s a little unstable but he loves her just the same................
Time Bomb (Lyrics)
Yeah baby your just like a ticking bomb
Ooh baby your just like a ticking bomb
The only trouble is if you explode
The only trouble…
I did this classic a little while back with Mike over at the cool lab and i'd forgotten to put it from the teenage mists of time.........
The title track for this year's RPM album. One mic. Live take. Please forgive the missed notes.
Writing while I drive with voices in my mind
Passed along by friends I’ve never met
Trying to stay alive in one place in time…