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Swamp Thing is a custom built guitar by Tony Louscher at Luthier’s Workshop in Green Bay, WI. I wrote the main riff three years ago and it sounded “swampy” to me. For the 2020 RPM Challenge, I dusted off the little riff and created this tune…
A simple little ballad. I wrote it thinking of meaningful relationships gone south.
The guitar is a Les Paul Studio through a Boss AC-3 Acoustic Simulator and Electro-Harmonix Grand Canyon delay.
When I made my demo of this song, Nancy said she really liked the melody of the chorus and that overall it was her favorite tune of mine to date, hence the title.
I thought the first section of the song would be ideal for a sitar, however I…
The story behind this one is almost the same as "Swamp Thing," only this one spawned lyrics to boot.
Major props to Erika for her fabulous vocal!
Jon and I played the leads. I bookended the track and Jon did everything in between.
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A track over twenty years in the making. I came up with it sitting in front of the TV with an unplugged borrowed Rickenbacker 360 (thanks, Mark). The Santana vibe just happened. I made a four track cassette recording of it just to get it down…
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from Concord NH
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