First Born Sun's listening history

Alex's avatar
kauaikta's avatar
Got a challenge to write a song using the phrase "He Loves You" so here it is. Hang in there, people. God loves you no matter what.
epimeison's avatar
Like a straight line that lies into a mirror.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
American perspective rock song.
Steven Douglas Baughman's avatar
The Promise of Heaven This material feels very religious, but I am not. It's all a bit more ambiguous than you might think. This and my last group of songs are also not a part of my memory, rather a part of the here and now. This is a second…
Mordant In Flesh's avatar
Here is the 9.Song from the Single „The Unborn Angel“ out the album „Last Pray for Fallen Eden“!
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
Lorelei reaches her breaking point after years of abuse — via a failed attempt at an homage to Ennio Morricone (had he been Mexican).
richiebee's avatar
Lyrics by Tom Gibson Music and Production by Rich Blenkinsopp Vocals by Natalie
richiebee's avatar
Lyrics - Chris Smith Music and production - Rich Blenkinsopp Vocals by Solaria
richiebee's avatar
The EMS Synthi AKS is a 1970's synth, well known for sci-fi and absolutely crazy sounds, but it is also capable of beauty. This short piece is based around a patch from Arturia's emulation of the AKS, their Synthi V, called Early Spring.