Project X's listening history

Project X's avatar
This was just a twisted and warped little extra I threw on to "The Dark Side of the Moo." Another remix because the original was not the greatest. Some people will sit down at a piano and duet on "Heart and Soul." In our high school and college…
Project X's avatar
My wife used to have a Paint horse named Dandee. When I originally recorded the song, we both said it gave us a picture in our heads of Dandee running along a beach. Originally recorded in February, 2019 for the RPM Challenge album, "The Dark…
Project X's avatar
My wife used to have a Paint horse named Dandee. When I originally recorded the song, we both said it gave us a picture in our heads of Dandee running along a beach. Originally recorded in February, 2019 for the RPM Challenge album, "The Dark…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Another Pure Data generated piece similar in scope to the last but different pitches selected, again with JI in mind, and some interactive playing in the patch live. For more info on Pure Data an open source visual programming language keen for…
Gregg Pepitone's avatar
erocnet's avatar
Source: Guitar
sacreduproar888's avatar
A taboo celebration of the rowdy miracles that assail us from all sides. The song is the musical rendition of a piece from my book, "PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings," which…
broken pen's avatar
Some messing around on the MIDI keyboard.
broken pen's avatar
A bad omen.