176 tracks by A Beautiful Scene
Without Hands (Perfection)
Verse One
It’ll never snow here
In this quiet little town
even winter brings
a green green ground
still stranger yet
in his monolithic place
so delicate
with scars on his face
All the words you…
Verse One
How did we get to this place
in our lives where we hate each other
how could you be so far away from me
I’ll never understand
With you by my side
We could have been so great so perfect now
And how the world can be so…
Verse One
Follow with soft eyes
(I imagine it so hard to come by)
Combing version wanted alive
(Circumstance on my own)
Constantly eyes dart
(Sit and stare at poverty)
Raise your towers high
(I figured you come around…
Verse One
Careful what you say now
We’re carefully plotting your death
Mistakes have been made
As you’ll soon see through your modest eyse
Pre Chorus
as seen through therse cute winter greens
Leave us now
You can be our
Hero in the…
So Long (my Friend)
Verse One
Did you feel alone
Or were you at home
Did you fall in love
with anything
DId you enjoy your stay
Was it worth while
And of all the words,
I’d follow your’s home
We fell asleep on dirty floors…
Verse One
Take my hand and hold me dear
Close to heart, closer to death
All the words you spoke too soft
of love I’ve longed for
Awake alone in vainity, it’s a shame we have to die here
as the blood on my hands dry,
i’ve killed for the…
Verse One
Cold tears are streaming down my cheek
as your memories are playing on the radio
Yours and now were two worlds apart
Painless suffocate
I wait for all the words you saved
Burning wisdom and lighting abroad, no
This can't be happening…
Paisley Tears
Verse One
Awake to the sound of broken glass I know,
It’s far too real
A wispered word could spark a fight
We learn to play so still
In Shadows hiding from the light
Children against thier will
But I’m more than…
Transparent Zipperfoot (title meaning at bottom if you want to read TLDR:)
Verse One
This life in focus
I feel it has no meaning, its purpose ever fleeting
And how we get through
This world and aspdcts thereof
only through words and thier…
Smiles Not Fading
Verse One
Called in content in all of this
all the world has past me by
Outraged by fear and holding on
Still I've done nothing wrong
Taking all of this, all away
Breathing although
You’ll, never feel awake…
Blue Skies
Verse One
I try to imagine, a sky too blue
Your hearts older, but mine ages too
I turn to wisper, you've lost the war
Holding to everything, you've lost
And we're all to blame
Holding your fame to favour
All your…
Kisses Goodnight
Verse One
After Goodbyes and all,
We’re now on our way
We’re leaving here for now
Cold hands, spin me around
Eyes lock and innocence becomes
My eyes
The photographs
Still frames in my mind
Forged memories…
The album is about first series of Dr who mixed in with themes of addiction.
Using Dr Who has the frame work and a real life journey of the affects of alcoholism on a family.
The girl is married and trying new things that fall outside of that marriage. She is letting the drink take control of her life and blaming the spouse for not being enough. Any attempt…
Music and Lyrics written by Lane Sullivan
Used with Permission
Happiness is about feeling alone despite the multitude of people in your life. Everyone is so concerned with what is going on in their own life, no one stops to think about others…
Velvet web is about the lies that we tell ourselves when everything is falling apart. "It is perfect right now, why would you want to change it..."
Guests is the point in the story where she is hitting rock bottom. She is starting to think she could have been wrong and doesn't want to lose what…
She is starting to feel badly for the way she has treated her spouse. She is sure there is no redemption, nothing she can do to bring back the now despondent soul she lives…
She recognizes she is in trouble. She knows she is tearing her family apart and she is still using drinking as an escape from feeling the responsibility. Now that she…
Music and lyrics by Lane Sullivan, used with permission
She thinks it is hopeless... she is ready to be done with hurting everyone around her. She is ready to end it the only way she knows how...
A still small voice tells her to hold on…