A Bit More Better Productions's listening history
The last of the songs that i wrote on my German Holiday....Hope you enjoy!
An excellent backer by Wildgeas and some waffle by me equals....well what do you think?
A micro-tonal piece made using one instance of the Novaphone 340 ("Imperial") playing 3 piano samples from SoundIron's "Emotional Piano 2.0".
The samples were sequenced using a MIDI keyboard using the Novaphone Micro-8 scale (1/8 semitone per…
A demo track for a new Reaktor instrument I'm building codename: Mimetron.
Loop Guitar 1 is a long, flowing, ambient piece. Mellow with a few moments of grit.
Mimetron is a 3 voice sampler that is driven by incoming audio. It has 3 channels…
Made with the Boité Diabolique playing some piano and cello samples. I did a bit of hand editing in Live and then added some light compression, reverb, and limiting.
Once again the source material is a snippet of beautiful piano from [Sudara](http://alonetone.com/sudara) only this time I fed it to a new Reaktor instrument that I am working on call Tukuramu.
Okay so tukuramu does not mean earth-quake but…
An arrangement of chords, arpeggiated, and lightly drizzled with effects.