Acid42's listening history

the F7 project's avatar
5. The 'Hidden" track, appears after a lengthy pause on the CD version. The little artsy trick that all prog albums must have at the end.
Acid42's avatar
Of course, the title also reeks of jealousy because I couldn't create an IDM track even if I tried. So instead, here's a heavy, layered electronica track that reeks of faux glitchery and IDM-ishness.
Acid42's avatar
Old school or futurejazz? Extreme games or simply spazz? Gritty glitches with pretty snatches of melody, harmony, Reason and thyme.
Acid42's avatar
Soothing and sad, a synthesized tune for the lovelorn and loveless. And just those with a perennial tear in their eyes.
Acid42's avatar
A jazzy instrumental that was once titled Union Of The Steak.
Acid42's avatar
Moody downtempo instrumental inspired by a single word randomly looked up in the dictionary. (The Dictionary Challenge on the RPM boards!) In no way related to the recent flurry of teenage vampire/werewolf flicks.
Acid42's avatar
In Manila, waiting in the U.S. embassy line for a tourist visa back in 1999 was a 2-day affair in sun or rain, day or night. This is a 7-min. ode to the torture of waiting for the unobtainable.
Acid42's avatar
Bouncy funk bass and a fine funk-filled beat equals an electropop tune that borders on '70s kitsch.
Acid42's avatar
Cut through the boredom with my saw wave and some fine funky futurejazz. Add some melancholic retro chords and suddenly, Air can eat my dusty tears.
Rosicky's avatar