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Carol of the Ridiculous Bells

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A short interpretation of Carol of the Bells, complete with freakout in the middle.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Dark, dark, dark. Appropriately so. ;) Keep up the good work!

Guest said

As slightly unsettling carols go, this one just got loads better.

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

this is a good track, kind of funeralish! but good.

drakonis's avatar
drakonis said

Ahhh... another sweet variation on this timeless classic (I happen to love this tune, and seek out wildly diverging adaptations)... very nice twist on the initial bassline, and instrumentation and drums were fun. Well done. ttfn, Drakonis

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Very TSO in feel to me in places.... great stuff
