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Anger Management

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Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my “Jimi Jam” from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!

Guest said


Guest said


Guest said

This is my Favorite

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Jammin this while skateboarding. Work that wah! I like Jimi jam a little better..more rough around the edges, but still a sweet track none the less.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Cranked at work...needed it...around 3:45 my ear drums ceased to exist :)

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said


Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yes! This rocks hard.

Guest said

Great tune and the title seems to fit in here well as a sign of the times.

geowesh's avatar
geowesh said

Nice jamming, man.

Guest said

this is good!

johnbee's avatar
johnbee said

Nice jam!

Guest said

strong jam man !

Guest said

Reminds me of Robin Trower, very cool!

launched's avatar
launched said

I'm glad this one got bumped. Massive sound and killer chops, bro!

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Hey, man.. -great tones, great title. ; ) Thanks for checking 'Mr. Day' out.

Guest said

this is a nice one Kirk!

Hydrographica's avatar
Hydrographica said

That must be one hell of a guitar you have there, because that tone is absolutely badass.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

awesome playing, killer wah tone!

Guest said

Hang on a minute what the ...oh I see play one play all.Right, this one's cool sort of Stevie Ray...yeah v.good. I am going to have to have a check on the back catalogue here as well. Jarvoid

Gu Djin's avatar
Gu Djin said

I have a series of pieces of the "on the brink" theme. Try "On the Edge of Chaos" on my page, that is if you ever get over "Gobsmacked". Nice one Leigh

iconoclast's avatar
iconoclast said

oh ho! somebody rocks! so very tasty. had me movin' right across the floor. I would be very calm and satisfied afte laying down those lines..... so it must work, this anger management.

Vegetable Man's avatar
Vegetable Man said

nice guitar tone

xenotolerance's avatar
xenotolerance said

This is awesome! I love the percussion sounds.

Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

your guitar is complaining with a suppressed anger... I think she want more heavy tracks like this :) of course me too. Excellent track

Neva Out Done's avatar
Neva Out Done said

I really like this anger management it is funky!

launched's avatar
launched said

Killer tone - Love the vibe. Deserves lots of listens!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Sweeeet!!!!!!!!!!!! Chug and Wah Perfection!!!!!

Guest said

thanks for your comments buddy. Keep Jimijamming.

Guest said

was pretty cool=]

Guest said

Riiiight, my earlier comment made NO sense because I popped it on the wrong track. Just repositioning it now. More appropriate comment: "This rocks."

Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

"Jimi Jam" is right on! Excellent!

Guest said

I really dig this alternate version too! I'm downloading this now.

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

love this track, well played and great guitar sound. excellent

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

I'm always jealous of people who can make the wah work like this. Whenever I use a foot wah I always feel like I sound like someone trying to balance on it rather then play it!

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

This definitely rocks. Killer guitar work!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Oh yeah this brilliant.

OHHO's avatar
OHHO said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

One of my favorite tracks.

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

I love this track!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Sweet, VERY sweet! w;-)

Guest said

Kickin ass! The kind of blues you have to drink and smoke too, haha! Awesome stuff! Kick ass riffs too.

Guest said

Yeah, or through head phones. I knew I recognised it. I do actually prefer this take - brilliant stuff.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Took your advice and my ears are now bleeding but happy :)
