
iconoclast's avatar

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iconoclast's avatar
Wrote this one late evening, during an impromtu outdoor concert on the farm in Oregon. I was sitting on the knoll, at the outer edge of a circle of oaks and maples, looking out over the fields, meadows, and the woods beyond, that formed a natural…
iconoclast's avatar
Steve and I on a Sunday afternoon jam. haven't changed it a lick. Minimally processed it. I liked the openess of it, so I left it alone. Went to Crater Lake, and found this songs home. Played it to the stars the moon and the waters, as the moon…
iconoclast's avatar
What can I say? well, thanks for the comments! It still amzes me that my solitary style (when the whole song is me myself and I) makes it over to you all. And that you "get" what I try to do in the arranging, that it's ok to emphasize the mood…
iconoclast's avatar
http://www.jango.com/music/Rox Hi guys, just a little shameless self promotion. we've changed our name to Rox. We're on jango.com being played live (based on large numbers of hits) We can continue being played for free if we continue getting…
iconoclast's avatar
We all live on one planet, and on this planet we ARE the indigenous peoples. The rest is just intellectual self petting if you know what I mean. When I'm feeling frustrated with the human race, I return to the roots. I read once in a novel on…

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iconoclast's avatar
Wrote this one late evening, during an impromtu outdoor concert on the farm in Oregon. I was sitting on the knoll, at the outer edge of a circle of oaks and maples, looking out over the fields, meadows, and the woods beyond, that formed a natural…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
I went to Norway recently to meet Geir and Jim and Mike for a Weekend of Music. More Here:- http://songcrafters.org/community/index.php?action=festival;sa=Norway2010 We have never played Live together, and this was the First Time…
igor's avatar
Ideas and patterns, especially in music, comes immediate, and often as quickly disappear - as if they were not there at all. That is why a true Knight Of The Music is always ready. In the modern sense, this means that his studio all the time is…
kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…

Latest Comments

iconoclast's avatar
Well, hot summer night. Beautiful woman dancing in the moonlight, (the goddesses knew what they were doing, a man doesn't stand a chance against this), knees going weak.... hearts' pounding...head spinning = new song. (Love was already there…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Wonderful swaying groove. Very slick.

iconoclast's avatar
Well, hot summer night. Beautiful woman dancing in the moonlight, (the goddesses knew what they were doing, a man doesn't stand a chance against this), knees going weak.... hearts' pounding...head spinning = new song. (Love was already there…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Man this is nice! Where ya been? Another alonetone artist that fell off the map

iconoclast's avatar
Wrote this one late evening, during an impromtu outdoor concert on the farm in Oregon. I was sitting on the knoll, at the outer edge of a circle of oaks and maples, looking out over the fields, meadows, and the woods beyond, that formed a natural…
Guest said

Just fantastic and so touching...lots of emotion in your performance. Very very well done!

iconoclast's avatar
Wrote this one late evening, during an impromtu outdoor concert on the farm in Oregon. I was sitting on the knoll, at the outer edge of a circle of oaks and maples, looking out over the fields, meadows, and the woods beyond, that formed a natural…
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

This is stunning. A very touching song. Just beautiful.

iconoclast's avatar
Wrote this one late evening, during an impromtu outdoor concert on the farm in Oregon. I was sitting on the knoll, at the outer edge of a circle of oaks and maples, looking out over the fields, meadows, and the woods beyond, that formed a natural…
albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen)'s avatar
albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen) said

Oh man....., this brought a tear to my eye. Just beautiful!

iconoclast's avatar

Born in the Far West, with a deep affinity for the wild places and music. I write, sing, and play music out of need. Moved out East recently, looking for people who also like to take their music live. This is funny…. my stuff that’s a little older, that I did all by myself, is getting the most attention. yeah, I liked it, but when I run it past other musicians, I get the riot act because I didn’t observe the golden rules of songwriting, (like I cared?). I LIKE writing it the way it comes. It’s just kinda blowing my mind that my own personal unadulterated style is what gets it. I do like my newer stuff, it’s still me, but has another musician involved who can play things I can only hear, and has a wider more sophisticated repetoire of chordings and phrases. Me. I’m rough, raw, and I guess somewhere inside I felt like my music should be.

from Kittery Point, United States

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