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Jazz fusion piece. Thanks to Marc Halikas for bass & guitar.
Done with MIDI. Recorded and sequenced in Samplitude MS 14
Garritan JABB 3 for Piano, bass & horns
Toontrack EZDrummer and Vita and Messiah synths
Done in MIDI
Soundtrack/ambient style instrumental. Written & arranged by John Bowen. Featuring the guitar work of Mr. Marc Halikas.
Thanks to Marc Halikas for bass & acoustic guitar.
Happy. Sad
Distant as the night and day
Good and bad
Hoping for a better way
The thoughts of a happy past
Sometimes will bring
A measure of hope
Sharing thoughts
With someone that…
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EXPECTING - capo @ 1 in E
I keep expecting to come home and find you here waiting for me
And Time can't diminish the hopes in my heart or the ghosts in my dreams/sleep
In the darkness and cold sometimes Winter forgets there's a Spring
It seems our hunger to express awe is channeled
into petty things early in our life and when we break free we feel robbed because all the mighty expressions are tied up in silly stories about some jealous being making contradictory demands…
Capo @ 2 in D (E) Dropped D tuning
Actually, it was almost two years. 1965-67.
Leavenworth, Kansas U S Army prison. I played the organ at the daily Protestant chapel. Took dictation and typed letters for the Protestant chaplain. Wrote 2-page…
When you come to the end of the road
and all of the signs just say "No"
You never say, "Quit"
Cause that's not your bit
You're not a pup
You never give up...
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just over three minutes of circular breathing (breathing in and out simultaneously) on the didgeridoo, a single take.
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Admital - the main guitar part for this was written and recorded for last RPM (shock horror!)but I had to give up on it when the file corrupted. Managed to salvage the audio though so rebuilt it around that. This year I managed to mix down just…
Tell me can you teach me bout your finely written poetry
Dont care about the content I just want to make em notice me
Such a fine hand they'd say wooo, study it closely
Been practicing all day I think I'm ready least I aughta be.
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Done in MIDI
Soundtrack/ambient style instrumental. Written & arranged by John Bowen. Featuring the guitar work of Mr. Marc Halikas.
Jazz fusion piece. Thanks to Marc Halikas for bass & guitar.
Excellent piece of work, there's so much going on and yet it all fits perfectly
Jazz fusion piece. Thanks to Marc Halikas for bass & guitar.
Jazz fusion piece. Thanks to Marc Halikas for bass & guitar.
Totally pulling off the style! (And the mix is fabulous.)
Amateur Singer/Songwriter. Mostly 70s pop style. MIDI/PC based equipment.
from Reading PA, United States
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17 tracks