ShamPain's listening history

 ShamPain's avatar
I like a bit of Mr Young and often do a few of his songs at open mike nights etc. this is one recorded as it happened onto a hand held recorder. bit rough round the edges, but so is Neil.
 ShamPain's avatar
A further development of flakey, would love it if someone could put some chill type vocals on it
 ShamPain's avatar
I was sitting watching TV and having a strum. decided to plug in my little zoom hand held and this is what I got. Just as it came live with just a tad of delay added
Janus's avatar
Gear used: Dark Energy, Micron and Dr.202 I post the lyrics as well as they are probably hard to understand: earth they tell you has a problem they suggest us to be monsters i don't believe their theories too many lies scaremongering…
Rob and Laura's avatar
Least favorite of this year's RPM output so far...
Sir Alfred IV's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
 ShamPain's avatar
Very rough sketch of something I am working on, with my even sketchier vocals. All about how we seem to be intent on using up everything this planet has to offer. Any ideas or comments please
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I wanted to play more directly with noise of various kinds so this piece focuses less on techniques and fancy plugins and more on selection & arrangement of sounds. I spent many hours going through Reaktor ensembles I've downloaded searching…
 ShamPain's avatar
A bangin trance track. Give it time to build. First rough mix. Soon to feature vocals by sister savage. Stay tuned