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by Alex Dionisio


Find The Love, Genius

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Where’s my makeup bag?
Gotta get ready
Wait, man, my hair isn’t straight
Hold steady
They’re always scrutinizing
Fuck thinking about stupid guy shit
It’s girl power
It’s girls’ hour
Gotta work hard
‘cause the top is the thing I want, ching-ching
Where’s my phone?
My phone’s going off
Hm, calmness or gossip
Hello, who is it?
I just got some new clothes
Oh wait, I gotta go
Gotta get the food real quick
Why are we.. why are they always
Looking out for me? Shit
At least it’s not my coworkers’ blah blah blah blah
And why is sh.. gotta go to work now now now
Why is she twerking like that, like she’s got a nice ass?
I’m done with Dan
Screw his damn package
My girl Lou’s better with the clit, that’s that
I’m never ever ever
Going to be good or getting back to nature
Try on haul
Oops, gotta do it when I get back
I’ll do it later
C’mon, where’s the cookies I made?
Hey, wait, Poopsie, let go of that, okay?!
Why’d you go all over my clothes?
Why don’t you go get your bone?
Uhhh, this feed is never ending
It just goes on and on
Why is this?
Where do they get this stuff from?
Why are the lights flickering off and on?
And why is smoke coming from the microwave?
Oh, my cinnamon bun, no, dammit
