A Man and His Dinosaur's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
A fun childrens tune from 2008, it really ought to be a hot fiddle tune but i don't have a hot fiddle. Old fox coming down the road now Bunny Bunny Run Run Bunny Bunny Go White tails bobbing in the air there funny bunny Go Go Bunny Bunny Run…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX](http://alonetone.com/sandbags/tracks/ix-2). This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm going through something of a dark time at the moment and it's a rare evening I actually have something tangible to show for it. Mostly it's frustration, depression, and a blanket of grey despair. Tonight was different and I can only hope that…
Endicott Road's avatar
A friend of mine did an off-the-cuff review of this song, saying "he's taken a subject so depressing and made it sound so good". What do you think? ER
A Man and His Dinosaur's avatar
Some people just want to watch the world burn. Some just want a hug.
A Man and His Dinosaur's avatar
Some people just want to watch the world burn. Some just want a hug.