am/fm dreams's listening history
This particular song was intended to be more uplifting until the G/G# line was laid down. The tension provided by that pairing changed the nature of the song, so the vocals changed to suit, a distortion effect was added, and the low toms finished…
The lyrics are inspired by King Crimson's "The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum" where each word is connected only to the next word.
This piece takes some liberty with that idea and incorporates phrases, verbs and connecting words…
Let's have fun with the sliders on the synth! Modulation through the reso and cutoff filters on a Roland XP30. Tones built and held with a sustain pedal and released during transitions.
What would it feel like if a painful thought just kept…
I'm a big fan of the volume swell or Slow Gear effect, and finally found a great opportunity to use it here.
Can't get to sleep, mind racing, can't get thoughts out of your head...
This song is intended to reflect the ups and downs of a reulationship, and its sudden end.
The idea for this song came from an article on that profiled Dan Aykroyd and his skull vodka, which is made from Newfoundland and Labrador iceberg water. As soon as I saw the title of the article, I had the chorus, and knew that I…
Start the day
Like you do
Get up and at 'em
Hit the road
No redo
It is your anthem
Find your spot
Start it up
Better start working
Get back home
Kisses wait
I can't stop smirking
Food and fun
Day is done
Head hits the pillow
In your…
Noodling around one evening, playing with harmonics with a crunchy autowah patch.