AMUC's listening history
This was one of the unnamed tracks that I recorded, forgot about, and rediscovered later in the month.
It's basically about working the night shift on an office job. (You see really weird things at night when an office building is empty and quiet…
Toughest thing to mix on the entire album. Synthesizer music for the attention-impaired.
If you don't like the current melody, wait five seconds.
Song name comes from my workplace addiction - I was going through a bag of cough drops weekly…
This was based off "After Nothing" by Synaptic Disturbance. It was from their 2009 RPM Challenge album entitled "Aplysia Californica"
He had put the root tracks up for remix, and this is what I came up with -- as an experiment, I purposely made…
The last track from my RPM Challenge album, "The Loudest Silence".
The story is loosely based on something I read, but there's a lot of poetic interpretation involved. It deals with people who spend a lot of time staring at the stars - like the…
Part of a sound walk that takes place through the Station North district of Baltimore. This piece is the last segment of the walk.
Live 8, Logic, field recordings, clay flute, and samples from Tennyson's "Bugle Song".
The chorus is adapted from "O Death Rock Me Asleep", by Anne Boleyn, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, waiting for her execution.
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)
An electronic track from the Dead In The Water sessions. I thought the Last FM version was missing something, so I went in to fine-tune it.
This is the end-result of that fine-tuning.
The track deals with how there are usually no easy outs…