AMUC's listening history
This is my first recording and not great quality. I have ordered a better quality microphone, just waiting for it to arrive. Quality aside, I was hoping for some constructive critcism/comments on my version of this song.
Thamyris invented the 8 string Cithara and challenged the muses to a musical duel. His punishment for losing was to have his hands cut off. Now all he can do is imagine one last chattar solo as he takes his last breath. The gods have taken away…
Thamyris invented the 8 string Cithara and challenged the muses to a musical duel. His punishment for losing was to have his hands cut off. Now all he can do is imagine one last chattar solo as he takes his last breath. The gods have taken away…
This simple little ballad was originally recorded in the late sixties by Rick's Continentals. With today's engineering, it sounds just a bit more up to date. Please enjoy this new version and then check out the old one at
Even the cosmos needs system maintenance. When its IT department decides to delete something, sometimes that something doesn't want to go without a fight. Even computer viruses will do what they can to avoid the reaping hand of a virus checker…
Even the cosmos needs system maintenance. When its IT department decides to delete something, sometimes that something doesn't want to go without a fight. Even computer viruses will do what they can to avoid the reaping hand of a virus checker…
From the RPM Challenge 2009 album - "Like A Dark Mirror Keeping Its Secrets":
Native American Industrial?
Sample credits will appear with album info once posted.
The cosmic equivalent of standing on a ledge and jumping off, except, like Mr. Hawking established, black holes sometimes regurgitate their meals - the original matter is usually corrupted in the process.
From the RPM 2009 album: "Like A…
The response to the telegraphinar communication, from a darker perspective. The deleted don't like to remain that way. Even deleted files still lurk somewhere.
Experimentation with polyrhythms - it goes in some weird directions from there.