AMUC's listening history

AMUC's avatar
One Freesound sample here: 40619_digifishmusic_Katy_Sings_Melisma_1
AMUC's avatar
AMUC's avatar
One wonders what the source of fuel would be..
Luna Trick's avatar
From the first Luna Trick CD, Total Submersion. I'm sure you can relate to this chance meeting with all its after effects!
Luna Trick's avatar
This is a track from the second Luna Trick CD, Hoar Frost Sheen. For the religious among us, it is not an anti-christian song - it simply rails against church crimes and a history of religion-inspired hatred. Let me know what you think. Thanks…
jiguma's avatar
This is a song I wrote with Lisa Purdy (who sings the harmony vocal) about the experience of depression. Jim Bouchard plays lap steel - I'm playing/singing the rest.
drakonis's avatar
This little ragtime number began life as just a snippet, written as background music for a home movie years ago. For the hard core ragtime buffs, I know this is not quite syncopated enough to be true ragtime, but hopefully its fun and bouncy…
J dY Stamp's avatar
The piece was composed in 2001 and recorded by my friend V. Gorbach in Russia.This tune is from the cycle of 16 pieces for guitar.
Manfred Stienstra's avatar
This one was made especially for Angelina Jolie, everyone is invited to listen though
Manfred Stienstra's avatar
The idea behind the song was to create complete chaos you might find on a carnival. Flutes are my lifelong obsession.