
ic42's avatar

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ic42's avatar
Back in April 2007 I wrote a slow ambient piece of music. I started by computer-generating a nice chord progression, then slowing it way way down. My thought was to make the music so achingly slow that the listener would begin anticipating the…
ic42's avatar
story: wings of chaos, wings of beauty. h.g. wells awakens from cyber-sleep in the "Chrysalis". the steam-driven moth-ship is now traveling slowly across an immense nebula. the engine's motoric rhythm generates the soundtrack to the view from…
ic42's avatar
it is midnight of halloween. it blinks 12 at the landfill. the electric blue light awakens the dying electronics. a cracked blackberry dances slowly with an unrecognized newton, palm to palm. woofers gather around the hammond organ to boost the…
ic42's avatar
it is a little bang. a star explodes. matter becomes energy, light, and patterns. chaotic beauty. it is a cloud of color. it is a nebula. artwork is here: http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff279/ic42experiment/nebulae.png this music is an attempt…
ic42's avatar
it is winter. there is breath. it flows in the forest. the white fur is hidden in the trees. it moves slowly toward the heart. the heart beats fast. it runs. the white fur moves slowly. it will always catch the heart, no matter how fast the heart…

Recently Listened To

shakuhachi's avatar
the sweet and sorrowful song of my favorite indian instrument ,the sarangi,the indian cello,three major chords,and 32 sympathetic strings,i needed to go to india in order to learn how to play,studying with a guru,in jiaphur,in the rajastan,i still…
Hacker Blinks's avatar
xenotolerance's avatar
Transient texture experiment; also reverb envelopes. RPM number 10.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I wanted to play more directly with noise of various kinds so this piece focuses less on techniques and fancy plugins and more on selection & arrangement of sounds. I spent many hours going through Reaktor ensembles I've downloaded searching…
Janus's avatar
This track is inspired by the movie "Seven Pounds". Gear used: Alesis Micron, Dr202, Mic

Latest Comments

ic42's avatar
it is a winter blanket of snow. it smothers life. it attempts to silence all sound. however, small ghosts of music escape. they always find each other. every winter they dance together. they are the notes of christmas past. 0x0 hw: quicksilver…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I still love this track!

ic42's avatar
story: wings of chaos, wings of beauty. h.g. wells awakens from cyber-sleep in the "Chrysalis". the steam-driven moth-ship is now traveling slowly across an immense nebula. the engine's motoric rhythm generates the soundtrack to the view from…
Guest said

this is some incredible uplifting ambient/Electronic music that penetrates deep into my soul!

ic42's avatar
Back in April 2007 I wrote a slow ambient piece of music. I started by computer-generating a nice chord progression, then slowing it way way down. My thought was to make the music so achingly slow that the listener would begin anticipating the…
Fathom 6's avatar
Fathom 6 said

Hauntingly beautiful cold glassy tones. A gorgeous space you've created.

ic42's avatar
Back in April 2007 I wrote a slow ambient piece of music. I started by computer-generating a nice chord progression, then slowing it way way down. My thought was to make the music so achingly slow that the listener would begin anticipating the…
Guest said

Beautiful and epic!! Great track!!!!

ic42's avatar
Back in April 2007 I wrote a slow ambient piece of music. I started by computer-generating a nice chord progression, then slowing it way way down. My thought was to make the music so achingly slow that the listener would begin anticipating the…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Now I have to go watch the vid. This is gorgeous!

ic42's avatar

it was not. it will not be. it simply is.

it is an experiment in computer-generated music. it is altered afterward to sound more pleasing. a hope is to make beautiful music with computer software assistance. is it a success?

Bootload 0x0906;


new Music();

Repeat {


_if (Music.Score() > 0x05)

__then alonetone.upload(Music);

} Until (TRUE=FALSE);

delete Music;

important note: If you would like to venture into some of my more traditional works, please drop by my “drakonis” page here. To read about these two sides of my music, this blog explains more

from ZIF Socket IC42, motherboard, United States

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16 tracks