Andrew Russe's listening history
A song about hope, take it how you will, it has multiple meanings for us. (all recordings are a work in progress)
Once upon a time, a man couldn't think of a song to save his life, and then one night it just came together. I miss the cello though. (all recordings are a work in progress)
A song about possibilities and desires. The sound your heart makes when it's been looking too long. (all recordings are a work in progress)
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)
Reg has started to face some facts while at rehab.....
G B7 C B7 Am G B7 C B7 Am D G F# Em A7 D G F# Em A7
Fade to Black (Lyrics)
I'm a drinker I'm a stoner I'm a dreamer
My life is swirling round
I can't say what I feel inside
because most…
Well Reg decided to go out Dancing down the Disco to see if there were any young ladies about........he shouldn't drink!!!
So Wrong(Lyrics)
It was a magnet that drew me too her
But the polarity must have been wrong
She drew me in while I repelled…
Ok - a collab between myself, Lady Jane and FDR. I hope the MP3 does it justice. Nice one you guys.
I put the basics together, FDR did lead and suggested the theme on "gliding", and LJ created the words, sang, added some effects (chimes, woodblock…