Andrew Russe's listening history

Mr. & Mrs. Smith's avatar
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
A song about hope, take it how you will, it has multiple meanings for us. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Once upon a time, a man couldn't think of a song to save his life, and then one night it just came together. I miss the cello though. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
A song about possibilities and desires. The sound your heart makes when it's been looking too long. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has started to face some facts while at rehab..... G B7 C B7 Am G B7 C B7 Am D G F# Em A7 D G F# Em A7 Fade to Black (Lyrics) I'm a drinker I'm a stoner I'm a dreamer My life is swirling round I can't say what I feel inside because most…
Altair Sound's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg decided to go out Dancing down the Disco to see if there were any young ladies about........he shouldn't drink!!! So Wrong(Lyrics) It was a magnet that drew me too her But the polarity must have been wrong She drew me in while I repelled…
Mr. & Mrs. Smith's avatar
A letter sent out into the big bad air.
jip's avatar
Ok - a collab between myself, Lady Jane and FDR. I hope the MP3 does it justice. Nice one you guys. I put the basics together, FDR did lead and suggested the theme on "gliding", and LJ created the words, sang, added some effects (chimes, woodblock…