Andrew Russe's listening history

Lady Jane's avatar
Collaboration with jip1965 I was emailed a piece of music entitled 'Glomp' (I kid you not) with a note saying "Chorus words something like... river flowing...the sun is shining lol" I sat and listened to the music a few times, not knowing…
Ron's avatar
This song written by Mark Imsdahl..I found it over at Greg Connor's ...I liked it so much that I asked Greg and Mark if I could do an electric version of it and they agreed...i want to have Mark blow some harp on it when he gets back from vacation…
JR James's avatar
In my late teens I was in a hard rock band and this was one of our songs. This recording is not the band but myself doing all the instruments and vocals. Our singer Kevin wrote the lyrics but I forgot some of the lines and adlibbed a bit of it…
JR James's avatar
This was from about 4 yrs ago thru a Guitar Center King of the blues online collaboration. I was using Guitar Rig Jimi Hendrix Octavia on this.....pretty hairy sound right there.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For my Wife Liz and the boy are currently staying with her sister by the coast. Just to catch some chill time after all that has happened this year. They are gonna spend the school holidays up there. Should be cool for the both of…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For my Wife Liz and the boy are currently staying with her sister by the coast. Just to catch some chill time after all that has happened this year. They are gonna spend the school holidays up there. Should be cool for the both of…
Project Wakerobin's avatar
song by David Murray Project Wakerobin is: Kevin Gerzevitz - Hammond Organ Jason Stewart - Guitar Marc Carmi Smith - Drums
istlota's avatar
This tune was inspired by the chant I've heard kids singing to tease someone. It got me thinking about how that captures my attitude towards many of my fellow mortals these days who seem to be just sleeping thru life not alike the coppertops in…
thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…
thetworegs's avatar
Here's my second submission to the Stones Fest.i'd have liked a bit more time to play....but with four children under6 you take your time when you can or it don't get done...hope you enjoy as much as i did doing....another stripped Reg Version…