Andrew Russe's listening history

Lady Jane's avatar
My first attempt at making music!
Lady Jane's avatar
Collaboration with jip1965
Lady Jane's avatar
A moment in the time of my mind, captured for eternity. With thanks to Marci Shimoff and Albert Einstein for their inspiring 'lyrics' :)
Lady Jane's avatar
For everybody who wanted to hear my voice! I love rainbows. I originally uploaded this as a dedication to my Dad :) Recorded with a £4.99 Asda SmartPrice headphone/ mic, using just the metronome you can hear ticking away there. I then…
Lady Jane's avatar
I tried to write a harmony and some lyrics and failed miserably *sigh*. I originally called this 'Inside my mind', but I've renamed to suit :) Enjoy x
Lady Jane's avatar
I was brought up listening to The Beatles, and the weather this week has compelled me to do this sunshiney cover. Enjoy and have a happy weekend! xox
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Another old one. I sort of call it my 'Ram' moment !!! As if !! Anyway, I can remember I wrote this 3 or 4 weeks after my mother passed away. Yeh, I know, a strange song to write, I like to think I was celebrating her life. She was a great Mum…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
A remake of an old song, this is my version as I wrote it. Going to get the Good wife to record her version. Fight, Fight !!! Looking back Imspired of course by the Good wife, also we had just saw The Jersey Boys on stage at the West End. What…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Ok, here's Fran's version (the good wife)and she did it in only two takes!! Hand's up from me, her one's best. Damn !!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
The first song I wrote, and yes Fran nicked it !!! It's about the nightmares she was having,which was keeping me awake at night. Same old dream about her childhood & her mother,say no more !!