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angie fights crime

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the future is uncertain as certain people know
the road behind as vague as the one before us
certain singularities seem less certain every day
the road less traveled once so clear has simply gone away
check the compass, check the atlas, wish upon a star
the places once familiar now seem out of place
the people convince themselves that this is progress
I’ve seen the progressions, tasted its bitter seed
the closer to nirvana the further from our dream
stop, count the idle hours, counting down your life
we’ll fill the ground with buried trash
buried next to buried souls
we’ll fill the sea with chemicals
and drink another toast
we’ll join the club with others
who believe the same as we
and we’ll all holds hands together
as this ship begins to sink

Fyrce Muons's avatar
Fyrce Muons said

I like your songs very much. some of them remind me of the Embarrassment from Kansas. Keep making this good music.

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