
aylastokes's avatar

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aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.

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aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice song like it

aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.
Guest said

Fortunately I don't get to stressed but it was a pleasure to listen to anyway.

aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.
Christopher Careaga's avatar
Christopher Careaga said

Good, solid production. Great mixing!

aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.
H R Music's avatar
H R Music said

Great song. Waiting for more.

aylastokes's avatar
This is a good song and sunged by Ayla during her music time. It is a song, you want to listen during the stressed time. Message Ayla Stokes at my website<> to share it to other media.
johnbsteele's avatar
johnbsteele said

Very professional sounding recording from an obviously talented musician. Well done !

aylastokes's avatar

A blogger, musician, mother of 1 and princess of my father. Mostly I am a freelance musician, but rarely spent time learning guitar, violin and mouth organ.

from Concord, California, US

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