b3nny's listening history

mmi's avatar
Something that might have ended up on my failed RPM attempt.
Chris Decato's avatar
The Hammered Dulcimer melody haunted me for weeks, but it didn't come together until Jamie played drums on it. Takes a long time to pay off, but I hope if you hang with it, you'll dig where it gets too.
mmi's avatar
An ambient guitar piece done rather quickly, warts and all. Stems from ideas I've been developing on my new JamMan looper pedal (catnip for guitarists if there ever was such a thing).
b3nny's avatar
dug up some old stuff. an ode to old.
mmi's avatar
Today, the Ableton folks surprised us all with the release of 8.2 which came with a new plugin called Amp. Of course, that meant a bunch of presets to explore... Without aiming to do anything, I happened on these four presets (played simultaneously…
mmi's avatar
A quick little indulgence. Got a new toy this week (valhalla shimmer). Just had to totally overuse it. Now to eat some chocolate.
mmi's avatar
A test track of sorts. I typically mix a track, bounce it out to my ipod and then go for a drive. The stereo in my truck is kind of boomy and if I get the bass wrong, I'll hear about it. This has been a matter of a certain amount of guesswork…
mmi's avatar
Recorded at a cottage in the Canadian woods in late August.
vaisvil's avatar
Just an improvisation for ImprovFriday - recorded on my Zoom H2 in the expensive acoustic guitar room at my local guitar center. I had to switch to mono because I had the zoom too sensitive and created a series of pops on one channel. This…
vaisvil's avatar
This starts at essentially the same improvisation pattern and then travels elsewhere - I think I like the Martin version better myself. This one is in stereo.