backup's listening history

Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Colin Garvey's avatar
Oh My Goodness's avatar
i started writing this song 5 years ago and finally recorded it this year. sad to say, but my $$ situation isn't that much different. this is a whiny song from a liberal-arts grad who is a brat and can't really make ends meet in NYC. i definitely…
Tangra's avatar
I composed this track as a demo of my sampling project "The First Bulgarian Virtual Choir" some time ago... I invited the famous folk singer Katia Georgieva to perform the live lead vocal.
another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
glu's avatar
This one is dedicated to my dear friend John. Thanks for changing my life for the better.... Also a big thanks to our own Greg Connor who helped me get the chords for my own uke accompaniment, and who kindly played the beautiful guitars…
moschell's avatar
moschell's avatar
Clean undistorted version, because someone told me it should be that way. (Thank you)
backup's avatar
oh well