Backyard Ghost's listening history

boxoftextures's avatar
Still under construction. Or maybe not. Bassline might be replaced by a real bass, maybe, and I'm not sure if I'll keep the Ableton Live softsynths as I may replace them with hardware. Maybe. I could just end up leaving it the way it is.
boxoftextures's avatar
The exquisite bass was performed by my friend Edo Castro, but everything else was done on a Waldorf XTk. In fact, originally the bass line was from an entirely other recording. What I did was to mute the other tracks and record all new ones…
boxoftextures's avatar
Version 1: the first arrangement. The basic ideas are there, and further development is happening as we speak. I usually wait until something's "finished" before I upload it, but I thought with this one I'd try showing the various versions as…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track is a second attempt to put Kavin's beautiful track [Poor Boy]( through my Steve Reich style phase shifting looper. In the first I had it play through the whole track but I didn't think it…
Lacus Veris's avatar
We Bow Down To Our Atomic Overlords
Breaking Light's avatar
This is the last of the live stuff for awhile. Ross Reitzammer on flute. Oh by the way, I have blogspot presence now:
Backyard Ghost's avatar
Being Dragged Through Hell And The Depths Of Sorrow By The Woman Who Betrayed You