beatnikturtle's listening history

yelyah's avatar
New age and upbeat.
beatnikturtle's avatar
Inspired by the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. An earworm (or brainworm as Sacks espouses) is that catchy melody that sticks in your brain that you just can't shake.
beatnikturtle's avatar
"There's a dude from Indiana rockin' real hard to Carlos Santana!" If you've ever been to Indiana, you'll know where this came from.
beatnikturtle's avatar
This song's about getting reacquainted with your ol' guitar after neglecting it for a few years. Back in 2006 our band started working on writing and recording music for our project, where we released one song for each…
beatnikturtle's avatar
Inspired by the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. An earworm (or brainworm as Sacks espouses) is that catchy melody that sticks in your brain that you just can't shake.
beatnikturtle's avatar
Inspired by the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. An earworm (or brainworm as Sacks espouses) is that catchy melody that sticks in your brain that you just can't shake.
beatnikturtle's avatar
Beware all ye who enter here. This song's a stern warning that being the front man of a band is not what it's cracked up to be. Consider yourself warned.
Oh My Goodness's avatar
still ain't done, but wanted to share progress. really grateful for the feedback. thanks!
another cultural landslide's avatar
Our dear friend Lynda is in hospice; we wanted to do a song for her - for all she has done for us. This is that song. k & w
another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…