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Dude From Indiana
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“There’s a dude from Indiana rockin’ real hard to Carlos Santana!” If you’ve ever been to Indiana, you’ll know where this came from.
If you're not listening to B.T., it's a MUST for all! These guys are just freakin' AWESOME! w;-)
rob mills
Great little hook to this. Reminds me a little of Aussie band Spiderbait, which is a very, very good thing in my world. Love this so much it's gonna be faved!
Good GOD - You have captured Indiana Rockers dead on! OMG. I feel like I went back home and couldn't escape the damned car radios at Frisch's Drive Thru. Yikes. I couldn't stop laughing. I mean howling. I mean, oh hell. I'm hurt. Hurt. Wen's in heaven. Hilarious. And tight. Outstanding (as usual).