rob mills
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I know we all let stuff stress us out but personally I have to stop it. Now. Part of my RPM 2015 effort
I've been having a few issues with my mental health. But I know what they are and I'm going to try and fix them! Part of my RPM 2015 effort
Last year friends and family seemed to be dieing right, left and centre. Part of my RPM 2015 effort
This is how I feel when I'm gripped by depression, which has been a bit too often recently. Feeling ok at the moment though. Part of my RPM 2015 effort
Full title is 'I love you girl (it's just the rest of the world that I can't stand). Something I say to her often and is true. Except you, you're all right! Part of my RPM 2015 effort
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from the album "2017"
featuring Madeleine Koestner on vocals
from the album "2017"
featuring Madeleine Koestner on vocals
An ode to forests.
The verse lyrics are based on the poem "Aston Hall" by my friend, Natalie Doig.
Morning Glow
End of the line
Ahead of me just loneliness
Scanning the horizon - only emptiness
Losing heart for a while
As the twilight’s rolling in
Getting caught between the darkness and despair
Used to never fail
Used to find a…
Ambient, building electric guitar instrumental, something like a cross between the late great Gary Moore and some softer stuff by Allan Holdsworth.
Imagine your spacecraft nearing a black hole, and the strain it puts on your vessel. Then, as…
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A techno/country tune about how I met my lady, Debs.
A poptastic acknowledgement of some of the great qualities I love about Debbie, my fab lady. Recorded as part of RPM 09
A punk/pop tune relating to my being a bit of a soap-dodger. Or so my lady says.
My version of the fantastic Sister Savage/Gary Fox tune. Not as good as the original but I had fun! Thanks to Tess for helping out with the lyrics
My best mate, Weaver, always used to tell me I wrote too many songs about women so here's a pop tune my sister might like!
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Features 69606__Redhouse91__hiphoppiano0186bpm
An ode to forests.
The verse lyrics are based on the poem "Aston Hall" by my friend, Natalie Doig.
Lyrics are 90% nonsense, as is most bad poetry, as demonstrated here.
Victor is another pet bunny, he plays it cool, but doesn't take any sh*t.
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Another bluegrassy tune. There really were loads of magpies around where I lived at the time.
A song I wrote for my good friend Debbie Hall who taught me how to weave willow.
Last year friends and family seemed to be dieing right, left and centre. Part of my RPM 2015 effort
Last year friends and family seemed to be dieing right, left and centre. Part of my RPM 2015 effort
Based in various bedrooms since the age of 18, I’ve been writing and recording songs for more years than I care to remember. They used to be rubbish but they’re better now!
As for other people’s music, I like pretty much everything except opera. Can’t stand opera! Thought I am particularly fond of reggae, old country/bluegrass, Bon Scott era AC/DC, 60s and 70s soul and funk, 70s punk (ahh, my youth!) and a good pop tune.
from Ely in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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