Billy Jack's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Dave sent me over this punk track so i went back in time and found my best East London accent and off i went .....i really love what dave has done with the guitar work it really laid the bed for the lyrics ...Best played really loud..... The…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I asked my love to take a walk Just a little old walk. Just a little old walk Down beside where the waters flow Down by the banks of the Ohio If you’ll just say that you’ll be mine And in no other’s arms entwine Down by the banks where the…
thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me this excellent backer with him kicking up a storm and i added my vocal hope you enjoy i Did.............................
thetworegs's avatar
Lido shuffle from way back in the 80's a Boz Scraggs cover with Johnny Robbo from over at the Cool Lab, John really smashes the music….hope you enjoy
henwrench's avatar
FDR's avatar
This is a rock song! Its sort of ok but i'd rather have a pint of strong ale!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Here is a little sneak track from my next project. I'm still working on vocals,mastering,writing ect...but I really needed to get something uploaded. This has been a horribly slow process writing my next album. It's time to float....
Movement To Contact's avatar
Here is a little sneak track from my next project. I'm still working on vocals,mastering,writing ect...but I really needed to get something uploaded. This has been a horribly slow process writing my next album. It's time to float....
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar princess anorexia ('90s demo i think) princess anorexia was out walking in the magnetic fields of her mother queen anaesthesia, whose reign had died down until now it was no more than…
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
angel delight as soon as i awoke i ran downstairs to my laboratory to see what my strange attractor had brought me at first it had been disappointing: a few wisps of smoke some sea-shells and butterfly wings but this time i found something…