Billy Jack's listening history

IronAngel's avatar
The title is a reference to the rain in "Pain" and how once the pain is gone you feel like it's a new day. My first foray into multi-tracking vocals, with mixed results. I like the effect, but I just had realized I can sing about half way…
IronAngel's avatar
This is a demo for the Rob Rokken Audio R-808m (beta-mono version) VST plugin. Nothing fancy, just a quick bit with a verbal descritpion (which uses the Rokken Audio CabAir(alpha version) plugin on vocals.)
IronAngel's avatar
Just another quick test of the yet unnamed RobRokkenAudio plug in... with a scary clown. Hey kids! Rememeber the 80's? Awwww, that's ok, neither does Uncle Bobo...
IronAngel's avatar
This is the audio version of my blacksmithing lesson from This lesson is Blacksmithing Basics - Absolute Basics. It covers terms and the most basic tools in a quick overview, so that students of the craft…
IronAngel's avatar
Imagine the open road, stretching out before you, your bike or hotrod rolling over the hot pavement as the sun beats down. Times couldn't be any better. Until the engine starts to cough and shudder. Fortunately, you roll into the shade of an…
IronAngel's avatar
Imagine the open road, stretching out before you, your bike or hotrod rolling over the hot pavement as the sun beats down. Times couldn't be any better. Until the engine starts to cough and shudder. Fortunately, you roll into the shade of an…
Yeana Kim's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
I felt like doing something ....but i Doodled and this is the result i hope you enjoy.......................
Mike Ridgway's avatar
Improv on a Korg Triton Extreme Synthesizer