Billy Jack's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
THis version is in John O'Sullivan's Blue JI - for other tunings go to
JR James's avatar
Experimental synth madness
thetworegs's avatar
I sat watching Tom Jones on BBC4 this evening and thought i'd try and write him a song now i just have to find his management meet up with Tom sign a contract and get him to sing it then i should make a few bob...well it is Christmas you've gotta…
getro's avatar
Keith Landry's avatar
I'm a teacher, a parent of elementary school children, a mental health advocate, and a pacifist. It's been a rough week... But there's still time. TIME Time to look in the mirror Time to say what we believe Is this the world we want…
Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor
FDR's avatar
A little winter time strum along!
richardlaceves's avatar
first my apologies to J. Pachabell second, my very best wishes to all my AT friends who make sharing music here so wonderful,, hope your holiday season is most wonderful and filled with love, peace to us all r
Norm's avatar
I went over to Reg's place the other day and he sort of scared me. He was out on his deck, pitching butts and spilling gin that he couldn't afford. He was a mess and had a crazed look in his eyes. I could tell he was ruminating again about…
Norm's avatar
I went over to Reg's place the other day and he sort of scared me. He was out on his deck, pitching butts and spilling gin that he couldn't afford. He was a mess and had a crazed look in his eyes. I could tell he was ruminating again about…