Billy Jack's listening history

Johnny Stone's avatar
The First Act
Roger M. Harris's avatar
An old,old one. Do I re-record it ? Nah I like as it is, in my mind it's that secret track at the end of a CD. And yes it's about Her !!!!!!
Reefwalker's avatar
Track 4 on Paper Planes and Pencil Shavings Thanks Jim for getting me back in the studio. 6 months from my last AT post, Jeeeeeze!
FDR's avatar
This is the reaved up my heads a shed from drinking to much beer last night version,enjoy!
Cave Street's avatar
Trampled - A quickly improvised tune with some stream-of-consciousness lyrics. Written/recorded hastily in the dead of night on Tuesday 11/27 with a short overdub session on Thursday 11/29, when I should have been sleeping. All basic tracks…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Celtic Princess
Reefwalker's avatar
Cuz who can ever get enough of Ghost in the Machine? Lyrics: Stewart Copeland
kirklynch's avatar
More ambient experimentation with my fretless guitar and Roland GR20. This time I used some sounds from the magnetic pickups as well as the midi pickup. Kind of a cheesy synth patch I know, but it was working for me!
Breaking Light's avatar
A redo of Autumn Descent, from last year. Experimenting with close miking a small amp on this one.
Cave Street's avatar
Trampled - A quickly improvised tune with some stream-of-consciousness lyrics. Written/recorded hastily in the dead of night on Tuesday 11/27 with a short overdub session on Thursday 11/29, when I should have been sleeping. All basic tracks…