Billy Jack's listening history

angie fights crime's avatar
from the album the Vulnerary Songs hard to not crawl up under a pile of rocks and die scrapping by on next to nothing swallow my pride protect and survive magazine it’s not loaded hope I get out alive all I seek what I got coming nobody has…
Trevor Lewis's avatar
White crystal sheen I'm living the dream Not a crack in the ice a surface pristine But the light's too bright to be The light's too bright for me Black sculpture divine a moment in time immortalized and admired at your absolute prime But the…
Trevor Lewis's avatar
Am I your favorite color on the side your bread is buttered Wake me while I hover Watch me run for cover My disintegrated cloud of flakes decends upon you to soothe your aches Maybe we're a fairy tale but my thin world is not a veil.
Trevor Lewis's avatar
"Dancing Light" by FuzzFace and Andy Casson Sunlight beams onto this iceberg I feel every time and place in this world (Your heart beats a node on a string of pearls) My thoughts soar through the sky (As the day becomes night we…
Trevor Lewis's avatar
I was not among those who cried the emperor has no clothes I believed (I still believe) The lights and the colours of this city are deceiving but they were never meant to be to be believed They're meant to be seen (To replace the night) Will…
Breaking Light's avatar
A redo of Autumn Descent, from last year. Experimenting with close miking a small amp on this one.
vaisvil's avatar
3 ) What Are You Looking For? Chris Vaisvil is a microtonal composer who works with acoustic and electronic instruments. Chris says "My art is about now and is a response to the inspiration I feel from the visual, musical and literary art of…
Peter Rudenko's avatar
Sketches, sketches, sketches
kirklynch's avatar
Another cut from the 1988 cassette tape of a live performance by Scartaglen on the NPR show Mountain stage. This time some tunes from County Kerry. Kirk Lynch- Uilleann pipes and whistle. Becky Pringle- Fiddle. Mike Dugger- Fiddle and guitar…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Thanks to my Dad I have been able to write my own lyrics, and my Dad did the music for me.