Billy Jack's listening history

Lady Jane's avatar
I got me a new mic and a pre-amp and I picked up the Jumbo Eko (I'll do this again when my fingertips have recovered). I tried to do finger picking when I was a teen, but didn't pursue it as it seemed like too much hard work at the time. Today…
phantasm777's avatar
just me doing coopers - 18.
Trevor Lewis's avatar
I was not among those who cried the emperor has no clothes I believed (I still believe) The lights and the colours of this city are deceiving but they were never meant to be to be believed They're meant to be seen (To replace the night) Will…
vaisvil's avatar
from yesterday -
Breaking Light's avatar
A redo of Autumn Descent, from last year. Experimenting with close miking a small amp on this one.
markgoldsack's avatar
This is my eldest daughter Amy singing with me strumming badly in the background. One take, no edits, it's exactly how we did it 15 mins ago!
markgoldsack's avatar
This is my eldest daughter Amy singing with me strumming badly in the background. One take, no edits, it's exactly how we did it 15 mins ago!
markgoldsack's avatar
This is my eldest daughter Amy singing with me strumming badly in the background. One take, no edits, it's exactly how we did it 15 mins ago!
FDR's avatar
My take on an old Fleetwood Mac number,it's boogie time!
JESMIAUS 's avatar
just added an organ loop enjoy/download/overdub recordings and upload a new version Please PM me if you upload something of your own with this :)