informal grae
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Episode 8 of this iconic show that does have some of my music in it - please give it a listen
Music and poetry and sketches in a 'radio show' format - includes Lisa Thorne, Syd Meats, Andrew Pogson and Damian O'Vitch along with all the usual suspects
A taster from the Toe-in-the-Water Radio Show - which does include music! G:)
A Spooky Story from Jane Goldsack and Graeme Sandford
Episode 6 of the 'Toe in the Water Radio Show is here!
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you know they say you have to write some rubbish before the good stuff comes out?... Entirely Garageband, not a live instrument on it but it was clogging my head up.
A bit of fun. Feel free to chop it up or add to it.
I need an electric geeetar. My weary old Crafter electroacoustic picks up every touch. 'Scuse the solo, I'm only a strummer..
Anyway, the song. Clogging up my brain, had to get it out. Some lasses don't know what they look like, and some lads…
Words by William Shakespeare - chords played by me - G:)
Finally, at last... I've got something finished...
Been working on this for a few weeks.
A bit of a rocker... (and an aging lecherous one at that)
I got it as close as I could and then mixed it loud... I've over-cooked it slightly - but…
Recent Favorites
Music and poetry and sketches in a 'radio show' format - includes Lisa Thorne, Syd Meats, Andrew Pogson and Damian O'Vitch along with all the usual suspects
A saucy little ditty from the Jip and LJ laboratory. The first thing I've sung for 3 weeks (been resting a very strained voice - eek!)
I'm having a party, I'm inviting everyone
There'll be much frivolity, booze flowing, so much fun
I may…
I've been messing with Jip's Gong Bong! Enjoy :o)
Do what you do, do it for you
Make your imaginings come true
Follow your dreams and not the crowd
Be you for you and shout it loud, shout it proud, yeah
See your big dream
Show your true self…
I was playing with my new uke (yellow and fruity), picked up my Beatles songbook and this popped out :)
I decided to challenge myself by requesting some beats from a beat producer, Ant 'Brave Toaster' Hughes. One of the beats was named Popcorn Chicken.
I added a few bits and pieces with my virtual keyboard (including a little Blondie tribute…
Latest Comments
Tori Chatfield's fine words put to music - what will she say? - so listen quickly before she hits me with an injunction (or a rhythm stick)G:)
Tori Chatfield's fine words put to music - what will she say? - so listen quickly before she hits me with an injunction (or a rhythm stick)G:)
so beautiful, so beautiful :) Thank you, with my love, nia
Well, self explanatory really! So won't waffle on here! G:)
Tori Chatfield's fine words put to music - what will she say? - so listen quickly before she hits me with an injunction (or a rhythm stick)G:)
Haha!!! I LOVE IT :)
Muso, literary type, idiot, loon, goon, spoon (just for the rhyme) and mad as a hatter! Stream of Consciousness is my thang! Which means I like to pick up an instrument and (with only half an idea in my head)play and record and see what occurs! G:)
from Totton, United Kingdom
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