Billy Jack's listening history

Megaton Punch's avatar
Practice at the Lemp Brewery 27 Sep 12. Just messing around.
Megaton Punch's avatar
Practice at the Lemp Brewery 27 Sep 12. Just messing around.
Andrew Sweet's avatar
Well, after about 18 hrs. of sitting at the piano over the past two days, this is the result. This takes me back to my roots. The "Moonlight Sonata" by Ludwig Van Beethoven. I've tried to remember what I can of this piece. Please enjoy this very…
terrysongs's avatar
Any day you wake up is a good day.
Potato Surplus's avatar
Potato Surplus's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Rain for three days no sun Autumn Winter just around the corner....i dont feel so good.....i think i've got S.A.D.. everything is going Grey.......I need some colour and theres at least 5 months of Grey left to suffer ....Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!..........
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Wedding march written a long time ago for a friend and a failed marriage. The song symbolizes hope and trust in the face of fear. The composition is all that's left of that now, but, it still means something. Not our usual, so please don't…
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
A song about hope, take it how you will, it has multiple meanings for us. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)