Breaking Light's listening history

Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
For what we know is unknown The metal Asharvi starts at 1:48
coelocanth's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
Steven Douglas Baughman's avatar
Things got a little weird. I came to the conclusion that in order to solve the problem of my heart, it would be best to not want to have one. A heart, that is.
Steven Douglas Baughman's avatar
Yeah, and I here I am giving a shit again. I mean, I've made it this far. 62! And now I want it to be over with again, like I did when I was 9 and 16 and 28 and 33 and 43 and 55? At least I'm consistent.
spacehoers's avatar
tilden's avatar
As part of sound design for the Front Porch Players latest production “Let's Murder Marsha” I composed and recorded this theme song. It was recorded ‘in the box’ using MuseScore, iRealPro, and Reaper software. The show continues next weekend…
kavin.'s avatar
For 2011 RPM Challenge album John the Resonator A Sword and Sorcery parody. With Elvis. Daughter Brit sang the vocal in the middle part. Elvis was the mountain king Who ruled the land of El-Karyaang His wife Priscilla lady fair Was taken…
richiebee's avatar
The start of a song about my first dog, Jack, who was a rescue. When he came to us he'd had many owners, some likely good, some most definitely very bad. He'd been at death's door as a starving dog, almost freezing to death in a harsh winter…
preset1's avatar
I'm at the edge of the world, reaching for the moon as I hold onto the rope of humanity. The sky above is dark. The earth below me fails. I trust solidity of space as my foot leaves the edge. I am a continent, fastened to the core. I am the…