Brett Warren's listening history
This is a cover of somebody from the 1970's... had a dream with a version like this in a post-dinner nap.
I recorded it as a laugh... but it is kind of interesting.
I have a little box under my bed with your name on it.
Doesn't sound like a dying whale in there?
Another track for the 'RPM CHALLENGE"
Well this one was a challenge,you see I'm never sure "bout my guitar playing..sometimes I'm not sure you can call it playing(or maybe you can call it "playing"). Just don't be so hard on me ,ok.
Funny,it's one of my favorites.
if you're like me and you feel that one day one of those UFO'S will finally just touch down for all to see..this one's for you. Just my take on it.
I like "OLAY" It has a slight spanish favor to it,lots of hand clapping.
A heavy duty western hindu raga.Just go with the flow !!
What does it sound like to move .. I mean to move from one location to another?
this is a piece I did for the "Rekkerd Music Contest" and the subject is "moving". You see "Ronnie" is moving his family to a new house and he wants his contest…