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Blues For Lynndie England

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“Want to write a shout-out to Jimmy Six-Pence or Vic Swankly and let some of that off your chest for awhile? Don’t think about it, just trust yourself to find it: it’s your damn song, who’s going to know if you messed it up. Drive on, Soldier. Call it ‘Blues for Lynndie England.’ its the longest song on the album at 5:23, and, in the rearview mirror, it looks alot like this year’s answer to ’Smoke ’em if you got ‘em.’” -Brian J. Kenny (Notes to self)

“Some justified, righteous anger turned into country-blues-rock-n-roll. There are several guitar parts with many different tunings or capoes. Prisoners sleeping in gymns, drug offenders, prison gangs, men, and women, Lynndie Englund, and Charles Garner, are all inside the walls of prison while the Thieves with Mont Blanc pens and the other White-collar Folks are outside. This is common ground upon which the Occupy people and the Tea Partiers could hold a Sunday mixer.

Durable goods, food production, manufacture, creativity, education, and a solid sense of decency and an embace of hard work (th list keeps growing) are what we need to turn this ship around.

So I guess its a song of hope.” –Brian J. Kenny (post-session notes)
