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Buyer Beware

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This song is over two years old, it was one of the first originals I ever recorded once I started working as a solo musician. That was back when I recorded under the name MF Omnirocker. It reminded me of space. It was kind of metaphorical, taking a look at the end of stars, wiping the slate clean, etc…

Frozen sun, end of its time
Starting one firework tonight
Burning brighter, ready to go
Getting hotter, needing to explode

The new day, comes from the dead
Starburst rays, let earth burn red

Scorching wisps, coming soon
Sun’s eclipse, burning maroon
New day dawning, ready to go
Pent up longing, needing to explode


Torch the old, set it all alight
Scorch the cold, 4th of July


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