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One of Matt's favourite bands - Dire Straits. No one can perform this better than Mark Knopfler but I think Matt makes a pretty good go of it in his gorgeous acoustic style.
A cover of that great sing-along tune by Natalie Ambruglia.
We love Amy MacDonald so much! We even got to see her live at the Barbican in York. Blew us away, she did. We play this one aaaalll the time :D
Nat - When I was a little girl, my very first CD that I owned was Savage Garden (their first album). My Grandpa had bought it for me and I still love them to this day! So covering the very first track off that very first album was pretty special…
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We love Amy MacDonald so much! We even got to see her live at the Barbican in York. Blew us away, she did. We play this one aaaalll the time :D
A view on ghosts. Used my tenor recorder, guitars, and bass. Bizarre how once song writing starts, it seems to write itself. Hope you like.
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Product of noodling around. Lead guitars are a combo of UAD's Nigel plugin and the Fractal Axe Fx. Clean guitars are the Fractal. The outro guitars are my Princeton Recording amp.
I played the piano's through my midi guitar and Axon. You can…
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A slow and sassy acoustic cover from the incredible Lana Del Rey.
An energetic acoustic cover of the much loved hit by Muse.
An acoustic cover of the moving and heartfelt hit by Travis.
Nat - When I was a little girl, my very first CD that I owned was Savage Garden (their first album). My Grandpa had bought it for me and I still love them to this day! So covering the very first track off that very first album was pretty special…
El Tay is an original song written by Matt which expresses his concerns for a best friend's destructive lifestyle. Written from the heart, this melodic and harmonious song carries a poignant message.
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A slow and sassy acoustic cover from the incredible Lana Del Rey.
<3 <3
Nat - When I was a little girl, my very first CD that I owned was Savage Garden (their first album). My Grandpa had bought it for me and I still love them to this day! So covering the very first track off that very first album was pretty special…
An acoustic cover of the moving and heartfelt hit by Travis.
An acoustic cover of the moving and heartfelt hit by Travis.
An acoustic cover of the moving and heartfelt hit by Travis.
Brilliant ... Loved it :)
Matt and Nat are a two-piece acoustic band that covers a wide range of music such as rock, pop, and country. There are even a few originals thrown in the mix! On Acoustic guitar and vocals is Matthew Pattison and on Bass and vocals is Natalie-Clare Brimicombe.
Matt works as a postman, occasionally acts in theatre shows and enjoys a bit of script-writing and film-making in his spare time. He’s also in a country band known as The Rusty Pegs and a 60s rock ‘n’ roll band called Riggwelted.
Nat works as a scientific glass-blower and also loves acting, as well as regularly enjoying jive dancing and breakdancing.
We hope you enjoy our music as much as we enjoy playing it :)
from York, United Kingdom
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